Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Mikvah day is not the best time to try out a new challah recipe!

 Prior to immersion in the mikvah, the entire body and hair is carefully washed and examined for intervening foreign substances. This is to ensure that no intervening substances which could invalidate the immersion are present on the woman’s body.
Excerpt from Family Purity by Rabbi F. Jacobs, reprinted with permission.

" I had spent the early part of the day preparing my body for immersion. 
Filing, trimming, scrubbing, soaking, combing, and inspecting, 
I realized that this was the first time I had ever spent such concentrated time focused on my body
Yet, inherent in this moment of complete physical absorption was a palpably electric surge I felt run through me as I connected, for the first time, the spiritual and physical aspects of myself."
by Roni Leob Richter

Excerpted with permission from

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